The dhplay tetrapod with 4 equally long „legs“ offers a variety of applica4ons. Use it for example as a:
- Toy for throwing & catching
Fun exercise to train the eye/hand coordination
- Baton – up the 4 children can hold the baton at the same time. The children‘s coordination skills and social team skills are developed
- „Ball“ to kick and dribble – the tetrapod moves slowly and unpredictably and the crazy bounces keep the kids on their toes as they try to kick a goal
- Balancing toy – balance with the tetrapod on the head, on the palm of the hand or on the palm of both hands
- Marking cone – use it for different games and activities in the schoolyard or kindergarten, for football and handball practice, for marking a zigzag course for cycling or a route for running, and as a distance marker for different throwing exercises.
Incredible durable – by throwing, kicking, being stepped on & run over
The tetrapod is made of soL but very durable vinyl. It easily withstands being thrown, kicked and pulled. Also the dhplay tetrapod easily withstands children stepping on it. It simply jumps back to is original shape immediately after being stepped on. This special feature prevents injuries and gives the tetrapod is many different applications.
Stack and carry effortlessly
The tetrapod is perfect as a marking cone as it is heavy enough to remain standing in windy weather. Also it is light enough to easily carry several stacked tetrapods.